i worship this guy!
nothing paganic though...yeah,, everybody knows i love House! who doesn't (love him, i mean).. but, what i'm trying to tell you in this post is that I ADORE HUGH LAURIE.. the only 50 years old (or 49? i don know, too lazy to make sure) actor that i consider unhumanly charming... in fact, might as well be THE ONLY actor i consider unhumanly charming,, or not.. if you count geeky Shia Labeouf in his teen days... (yeah, i hate that he is becoming more and more of a jock these days)
- first of all, house audition tape.. because we're still (will always be) amazed how he could pull off that amazing american accent... this way...
- next, fanvids.. because fans is the best people to sum out celebrity's positive points... so, go here...
- some other talk show... because big time actors don't go to silly gameshows duh... (how i love japanese tv)... yeah, see it here, here, and newest one here, or to save you the time just watch this collection instead, again fanvid..
- the best moments are actually at awards.. but too bad i cudn't find decent links on that... only find this and this, although i'm looking for his emmy (or whatever) acceptance speech...
- and guess what.. he sings! he also sings with The Band From TV, go figure..
- not to mention that he'd done comedy in his younger days... british comedy that is..
- last thing... he's going to host next saturday SNL... YAYY!! exci~ted.....
on other note, just saw Twilight.. never read the book, but i kinda can see what makes the book so popular.. the movie is average if i have to say... gotta go find the book(s?) now...
on other note other than that, i never been a trekkie (though my brother try all his might to convert me since i don't know when) but next year is the right time to finally be one... because if Captain Kirk was once that young and hot, then i probably am a trekkie already... Plus 'JJ Abrams as the director (or producer?)' is my more logical reason to hide my shallow I-think-the-lead-actor-is-cute reason... to the awesome trailer anyone?
last note, The Day the Earth Stood Still is something closer to wait for... Keanu + alien + world destruction is the right mix for my full enjoyment... Hollywood knows best (sometimes)...
Labels: House is my mentor of life, movies is the antidote of boredom
dont convert because some gay-face-guy... that is too low my dear friend!!
then.. JJ abrams is my reason!
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